HireVue is a digital video software that many recruiting firms will be using to conduct their first round recorded interviews with student applicants.
Provided below are a few potential questions that recruiters may ask, some of which have external links that will be helpful in formulating an answer to these questions.
What do you know about this company? (research: audit/tax industry, clients, mission/values/pillars)
Tell me about a time when...(behavioral: conflict resolution or risen above failure)
How can you be a digital disruption (reshaping business models, erasing business models, embracing change to see as innovation and growth opportunity)? *EY question (being the leader in new digital age, be agent of change in the midst of competition)
Additional interview questions resource: https://econ.duke.edu/sites/econ.duke.edu/files/file-attachments/Typical%20Questions%20from%20HireVue%20Interviews.pdf