LMU Accounting Society provides members with a wide variety of opportunities to help enhance their interests and jump start their careers. Professionals from countless different accounting firms, from mid-size Southern California firms to each of the Big Four, work directly with Accounting Society to present our members with valuable information and networking to meet all of our members’ needs. Some of our opportunities are below:
Members can network and socialize with professionals from 20+ accounting-related firms. A great way to learn about internship roles and other summer opportunities.
Each year, numerous Accounting Society members are awarded academic scholarships at the end of the year annual Spring Banquet.
Weekly Meetings
Every week, one-hour long meetings are held. Guests are hosted to present topics ranging info on their respective firms, to interviewing and dining etiquette. Food is provided to members each meeting!
Members who choose to take part are paired with upperclassmen to help guide them in their primary years as an accounting major. From internship discussion to which classes to take at the same time, this is a great opportunity for members to get real world insight from other students.
Thank You to Our 2023-2024 Sponsors!